Our Drill Competition​
This page consists of information for the upcoming Drill Competition that we are hosting at Springboro High School. The information below pertains to all guests in attendance some for other schools and some for parents and guests.
If you have any questions regarding our Drill Competition please feel free to contact MSgt Thiergart at mthiergart@springboro.org
Basic Information
Springboro High School Drill Competition:
When: Saturday, 12 April 2014.
Where: Springboro High School
1605 S. Main Street
Springboro, OH 45066
Teams Arrive: 0700-0730
Commanders Call: 0800 Aux Gym
Events Begin: 0830
Knockout/Award Ceremonies: 1430-1530
Guset Information
Parking Information: Guests will park in the student parking lot in front of the athletic entrance. Signs will be posted.
Additional Costs:
-There will be a Concession Stand avialable for all attendees at the Drill Competition which will serve breakfast, lunch, drinks and snacks throughout the competition.
-Various T-Shirts will be on-sale at this Drill Competition along with many JROTC related items.
Team Information
Teams Arrive: 0700-0730
Teams will be assigned a designated room with a OH-081st Drill Team cadet as their Host/Hostess.
Droping off and Parking of Busses:
Cadets will be droped off in front of the High School by the Commons Doors.
Busses will park in the Front of the school where cadets are dropped off.
-See Map For Detials.
-Additional documents are available at the bottom of the page.
Judges Infomation
Report time for Judges: 0630-0700
Parking for Judges:
In The Front of the High School In the Staff Parking Lot
Judges Meeting: Main Gym 0700
Judges will have their own room to store personal belongings.